Outlier ยท 2 days ago
Arabic (Egypt) Freelance Writer
Computer Software
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Reading Arabic Egypt text in order to rank a series of responses that were produced by an AI model
Writing a short story in Arabic Egypt about a given topic
Assessing whether a piece of Arabic Egypt text produced by an AI model is factually accurate
Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.
Fluency in Arabic
Ability to read Arabic Egypt text
Ability to write a short story in Arabic Egypt about a given topic
Ability to assess whether a piece of Arabic Egypt text produced by an AI model is factually accurate
Authorization to work in your country of residence
Experience as a professional translator
Professional writing experience (copywriter, journalist, technical writer, editor, etc.)
Enrollment in or completion of an undergraduate program in a humanities field or field related to writing
Enrollment in or completion of a graduate program related to creative writing
Outlier is a remote work platform that offers freelancers flexible, well-compensated opportunities across various domains.
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Late StageCompany data provided by crunchbase