PSS Technology Inc ยท 9 hours ago
Routing and Switching Engineer (W2 only) (Healthcare/Hospital industry Exp. required)
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MPLS and VRF Transition: discussed the transition from MPLS to VRF networks, highlighting the importance of understanding tag switching and VRF to VLAN mapping. They also mentioned the need for familiarity with multi-protocol BGP and VXLAN for enterprise campus fabrics.
MPLS to VRF Transition: explained that they are moving away from MPLS to VRF networks. He emphasized the importance of understanding tag switching for VRF networks, as the base network will not use MPLS.
VRF to VLAN Mapping: discussed the need for familiarity with VRF to VLAN mapping and VRF extension across the network. This is crucial for ensuring seamless connectivity and transition between the old and new networks.
Multi-Protocol BGP: suggested including multi-protocol BGP familiarity in the job description, as it is essential for managing enterprise campus fabrics and ensuring efficient routing and traffic management.
VXLAN Importance: highlighted the importance of VXLAN for enterprise campus fabrics, including understanding VTP, VNI, and other related concepts. This knowledge is crucial for implementing scalable and efficient network solutions.
Role and Reporting Structure: clarified that the new hire would report to and be part of the network engineering team. The role involves working closely with the core team on route switch, access layer, WAN, and wireless, but not on firewalls or load balancing in the data center.
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Healthcare/Hospital industry experience
Understanding of MPLS and VRF Transition
Familiarity with multi-protocol BGP
Knowledge of VXLAN for enterprise campus fabrics
Understanding of tag switching for VRF networks
Familiarity with VRF to VLAN mapping
Ability to work closely with the network engineering team on route switch, access layer, WAN, and wireless
PSS Technology Inc
PSS Technology, Inc started its journey in 2012 from California.
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