KoBold Metals · 1 day ago
Corporate Accounting Manager
Artificial Intelligence (AI)Mineral
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Maintain summaries of joint venture agreement key terms for compliance
Determine and document proper accounting for different types of joint venture/earn-in agreements
Ensure accurate billing and tracking of joint venture expenditures
Oversee reporting to joint venture partners
Research and document technical accounting issues for complex accounting issues
Assist with financial reporting and ensuring compliance with local accounting rules in multiple jurisdictions
Assist in setting up internal control framework and documenting process narratives and identifying and testing key controls
Support field exploration teams by preparing project reports
Provide support for for operations in new jurisdictions
Manage information flow and documentation for audits
Provide support for miscellaneous projects in accounting and operations
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Bachelor's degree in accounting; CPA certification required
8+ years of progressive accounting experience, including at least 2 years with a national or regional public accounting firm
Strong knowledge of US GAAP
Experience working with international operations
Strong organizational skills and attention to detail
The ability to quickly learn new tools and technology as needed and solve new problems continuously
Interest in learning about mineral exploration and being a close partner to the exploration project teams
A high degree of independence and the ability to work effectively with limited supervision
Flexibility to accommodate meetings with staff/vendors overseas
Experience with joint ventures in exploration/mining
Knowledge of IFRS
KoBold Metals
KoBold Metals is an AI-powered critical mineral startup that discovers essential materials for electric vehicles and renewable energy.
Current Stage
Growth StageTotal Funding
$898.96MKey Investors
T. Rowe PriceAndreessen Horowitz
2024-10-04Series C· $491.46M
2023-06-20Series B· $195M
2022-02-10Series B· $192.5M
Recent News
Business Insider Africa
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