Maribelle Cakery ยท 9 hours ago
Freelance Writer
Medical Device
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Creating engaging content related to wedding cakes, baking, and culinary arts
Writing blog posts
Writing articles
Writing product descriptions
Writing social media posts
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Strong writing skills and ability to create engaging content
Knowledge of baking, culinary arts, and wedding industry trends
Experience in writing blog posts, articles, and social media content
Attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines
Creative thinking and ability to adapt writing style to different formats
Understanding of SEO principles and content optimization
Previous experience in freelance writing or content creation
Relevant education in English, Marketing, Journalism, or related field
Maribelle Cakery
Maribelle Cakery wedding cakes are designed to be chic and elegant in appearance while being executed to perfection in both flavor and style.
Current Stage
Early StageCompany data provided by crunchbase