CrowdPlat · 8 hours ago
Senior Software QA Analyst - Web Applications and Test Automation Specialist (W2 Candidates Only)
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Develop and execute detailed test cases based on user requirements and design documents.
Perform manual testing and data validation to ensure accurate functionality.
Create, implement, and execute automated functional and regression test cases.
Conduct performance and accessibility testing.
Perform SQL queries to analyze and manipulate data.
Collaborate with the development team and customers to understand application functionality.
Document test cases, issues, test results, and summaries comprehensively.
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8+ years of experience testing complex web applications
Expertise in testing across all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
3+ years of experience with database/SQL languages
2+ years of experience with APIs and JSON
Preferred experience with API testing (SOAP and REST)
Test automation using open-source technologies, and frameworks like Junit or TestNG
Knowledge of performance testing tools like WAPT Pro or JMeter
Familiarity with Jira and Zephyr Scale