Genisis Technology Solutions ยท 7 hours ago
AI Developer (Chatbot & Conversational)
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Pattern Recognition, Neural Networks, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) skills
Computer Science background and skills
Software Development expertise
Experience in AI chatbot & Conversational development
Strong problem-solving and analytical skills
Ability to work independently and in a remote setting
Experience with chatbot platforms and tools
Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or related field
Genisis Technology Solutions
Genesis Technology Solutions is a leading cloud consulting services firm and a partner of
H1B Sponsorship
Genisis Technology Solutions has a track record of offering H1B sponsorships. Please note that this does not
guarantee sponsorship for this specific role. Below presents additional info for your
reference. (Data Powered by US Department of Labor)
Distribution of Different Job Fields Receiving Sponsorship
Represents job field similar to this job
Trends of Total Sponsorships
2023 (9)
2022 (11)
2021 (15)
2020 (6)
Current Stage
Growth StageCompany data provided by crunchbase