.Net with Oracle @ ACS Consultancy Services, Inc | Jobright.ai
.Net with Oracle jobs in United States
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ACS Consultancy Services, Inc ยท 7 hours ago

.Net with Oracle

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Design and develop a new reporting framework using .NET 8, Blazor, and other modern Microsoft technologies.
Modernize and streamline existing legacy reporting projects to align with business objectives.
Lead the migration of legacy applications and reports to the new framework.
Analyze and enhance existing complex reports built with Crystal Reports integrated with Oracle databases.
Engage in the full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in a SCRUM/Agile environment.
Develop and maintain technical documentation throughout the project lifecycle.
Design scalable financial systems, ensuring seamless integration with Oracle databases.
Write and optimize PL/SQL stored procedures, and tune performance for complex queries and systems.
Collaborate with DevOps teams to maintain and enhance CI/CD pipelines and automation processes.
Use modern tools like Bitbucket, JIRA, and Confluence to support project workflows.
Provide innovative solutions to address technical challenges in legacy-to-modern transformations.
Troubleshoot, identify, and resolve system-level issues within financial systems.


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Oracle database managementPL/SQLNET 8BlazorC#Entity FrameworkBitbucketJIRASCRUM/AgileVisual StudioConfluenceTechnical documentationCollaboration skillsProblem-solving ability


Strong expertise in Oracle database management, including:
Writing and optimizing PL/SQL and stored procedures.
Performance tuning for complex queries and systems.
Advanced knowledge of modern design principles.
Proficiency in .NET 5/6/7/8 frameworks, C#, and Visual Studio.
Expertise in Entity Framework and Blazor (Server and WebAssembly).
Hands-on experience with version control systems, specifically Bitbucket.
Familiarity with project management tools, such as JIRA, TEMPO, and Confluence.
SCRUM/Agile methodologies experience, with a focus on delivering projects on time.
Demonstrated ability to produce comprehensive technical documentation.


Demonstrated ability to modernize financial systems and reporting frameworks.
Strong communication and collaboration skills to work effectively with cross-functional teams and stakeholders.
Problem-solving ability to address technical and architectural challenges in legacy-to-modern transformations.


ACS Consultancy Services, Inc

ACS Consultancy Services Inc is a Small Business that is New York State and New York City Certified Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE).


Current Stage
Early Stage

Leadership Team

Asha Ramrakhiani
Chief Executive Officer
Company data provided by crunchbase


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