GP Strategies Corporation · 8 hours ago
C# Web Developer
Enterprise SoftwareOutsourcing
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The role of C# Web Developer for the Leadership Training Technology Team is focused on developing and supporting our internally developed learning platform (APEX) and other related training platforms and technology used in the Leadership division of GP Strategies.
Responsible for data extraction, analysis, and data visualization.
Customizing and maintaining our web-based platforms either by using our internally developed control panel and related systems like Microsoft Azure, DevOps etc. or by writing or maintaining HTML, CSS, JavaScript code.
This role requires excellent communication skills and the ability to collaborate effectively with clients and colleagues at all levels of the organization.
Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.
Proficiency in data analysis using Excel
Strong knowledge of T-SQL (Microsoft SQL Server)
Solid understanding of Web Technologies
Strong HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Strong collaboration and customer service skills
MUST be very good with Excel and SQL. Will be working on reporting, building reporting for clients.
Strong HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
AI knowledge.
Must be well spoken and able to work closely with a team, both internal and external.
Basic knowledge of AI or a keen interest in learning about AI technologies
SSRS, PowerBI or other reporting tools
Help Desk
Web Application or Software Testing - QA/QC
GP Strategies Corporation
GP Strategies, a Learning Technologies Group Company, is one of the world’s leading talent transformation providers.
H1B Sponsorship
GP Strategies Corporation has a track record of offering H1B sponsorships. Please note that this does not
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reference. (Data Powered by US Department of Labor)
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2022 (5)
2020 (3)
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