Cybermissions ยท 7 hours ago
Volunteer: Web Coding and Development in HTML, CSS, Javascript for a Christian organization
Religious Institutions
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Work in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to code from scratch using tools such as Dreamweaver.
Update and re-code older Bible training websites.
Collaborate with front-end web designers (UI/UX) to create beautiful, functional websites.
Ensure the websites are responsive, mobile-friendly, fast-loading, and secure.
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Experience in web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Ability to code 'from scratch' using tools such as Dreamweaver.
Familiarity with back-end coding.
Knowledge of using GitHub and committing code.
Ability to work alongside front-end web designers (UI/UX).
Capability to create responsive, mobile-friendly, fast-loading, and secure websites.
Availability to commit 3-5 hours per week.
Cybermissions provides bible teaching, training, free Christian ebooks, courses and resources to help train Christians, pastors, and other leaders in the developing world and in under-served areas.
Current Stage
Early StageCompany data provided by crunchbase