DevRel Talent ยท 7 hours ago
Senior Developer Advocate (AI/ML)
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Develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to build a dynamic developer community around the AI platform. Define key success metrics and leverage data-driven insights to steer community engagement activities.
Effectively communicate the platform's technical capabilities to developers, creating messaging and narratives that resonate with this audience, ensuring consistency across various channels.
Create and distribute developer-centric content, such as blog posts, documentation, video tutorials, and technical guides. Lead webinars, workshops, and other events aimed at educating and engaging developers.
Build and maintain relationships with developers on platforms like Discord, Twitter, and other relevant online forums. Act as a liaison, gathering developer feedback to inform product development and overall strategy.
Organize and participate in developer events, hackathons, and conferences. Collaborate closely with product and engineering teams to showcase technology and drive developer engagement.
Lead efforts to establish technical partnerships and joint initiatives, expanding the platform's reach.
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At least 2-5 years of experience in a developer relations role or a data scientist or ML engineer who wants to focus on an external facing role.
Commercial AI or Machine learning experience (must have)
Able to distil complex technical concepts into clear, actionable content.
Experience in producing technical content and engaging with developer communities.
Enjoy engaging with developers on Discord, Twitter, and similar platforms.
DevRel Talent
At DevRel Talent we are passionate about building connections between developers, technology, and innovation.
Current Stage
Early StageCompany data provided by crunchbase