Mainframe DB2 Database Engineer - Active MBI Clearance - Remote @ Arthur Grand Technologies |
Mainframe DB2 Database Engineer - Active MBI Clearance - Remote jobs in DC Village Ln SW, Washington, DC 20032, USA
87 applicants

Arthur Grand Technologies ยท 11 hours ago

Mainframe DB2 Database Engineer - Active MBI Clearance - Remote

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Ensure DB2 availability and implement recovery strategies and procedures (25%).
Diagnose and troubleshoot DB2 errors and performance issues, optimizing SQL and processes (25%).
Create and manage comprehensive database reports (20%).
Utilize IBM DB2 utilities and CA tools for database management and optimization (15%).
Perform performance and capacity tuning of system parameters and resources using monitoring tools (10%).
Conduct technical and application-related problem analysis and resolution (5%).


Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.

IBM System ZIBM DB2DB2 utilitiesCA Tools for DB2Performance tuningCapacity tuningIBM CICSBatch COBOLIBM Information Management SystemProblem analysisMicrosoft ExcelMicrosoft WordRational ClearQuestRational ClearCaseJavaWeb servicesSOA concepts


10+ years of experience with IBM System Z concepts and technologies.
Expertise with IBM DB2 utilities, CA Tools for DB2, and backup/recovery/logging strategies.
Strong knowledge of DB2 database management and deployment.
Proficiency with IBM CICS, batch COBOL, and IBM Information Management System.
Experience in performance and capacity tuning using monitoring and reporting tools.
Proficiency in problem analysis and resolution for both technical and application issues.
Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Rational ClearQuest, and Rational ClearCase.
Experience working within a CMMi Level 3 environment.


Knowledge of Java, web services, and SOA concepts.
Experience with Application Management Services.


Arthur Grand Technologies

Arthur Grand Technologies has broad experience provides with the ability expertise to improve clients business and IT effectiveness.

H1B Sponsorship

Arthur Grand Technologies has a track record of offering H1B sponsorships. Please note that this does not guarantee sponsorship for this specific role. Below presents additional info for your reference. (Data Powered by US Department of Labor)
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