Splunk · 11 hours ago
Senior Software Engineer, Productivity (DevOps)
AnalyticsInformation Technology
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Work with technical leads and architects on developer platform improvement and modernization projects
Work closely with the software developers to identify, implement, and maintain efficient and reliable CI/CD pipelines.
Work with stakeholders from leadership and engineering to identify relevant code and delivery pipeline quality metrics.
Develop tools to collect, analyze and present code quality/delivery/visibility metrics to provide data driven feedback
Develop tooling for container orchestrated testing and integration into efficient code delivery pipeline
Collaborate with security teams to ensure compliance with security policies and implement necessary controls
Mentor engineers on best development and CI/CD practice.
Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.
Proficiency in programming languages, such as Python
Proficiency in using Git solutions and its intricacies: GitLab, Github
Experience in Docker, Kubernetes or any container orchestration solution
Working knowledge of AWS, Google Cloud Platform or Azure
Working knowledge of Infrastructure as code technologies, such as Terraform
Knowledge of CI/CD technologies like Jenkins, GitLab CI, TeamCity
Excellent in critical thinking and problem solving
Experience building build tooling frameworks and infrastructure
Experience dealing with cross-functional teams, including Support and Sustaining
BS EE or CS degree; 5+ years related experience (or Masters and 3+ years related experience) or equivalent.
A 401(k) plan and match
Paid time off
Splunk is a software company that provides operational intelligence software that monitors, reports, and analyzes real-time machine data.
Current Stage
Public CompanyTotal Funding
$2.44BKey Investors
Starboard ValueHellman & FriedmanSilver Lake
2022-10-16Post Ipo Equity
2022-03-04Post Ipo Equity· $1.4B
Recent News
Company data provided by crunchbase