Life Insurance Remote Sales Leader @ The LeBlanc Group |
Life Insurance Remote Sales Leader jobs in Surprise, AZ
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The LeBlanc Group · 7 hours ago

Life Insurance Remote Sales Leader

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Contact our clients, schedule appointments, and write applications for requested life insurance products that fit our client’s needs
Help our clients pick out the best protection that fits their needs and their budget
Participate in a comprehensive training program, accountability, personal mentorship, local, regional, and national training events
Contractually own your own agency, with requirements
Obtain your license quickly through the fast-track licensing program
Create your own schedule with flexible hours
Engage in a 100% commission career in life and health insurance
Access advanced training and mentoring calls to help you succeed
Receive marketing support to market yourself and generate leads
Explore opportunities for career advancement and agency ownership


Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.

Sales experienceTeam building experienceLife insurance knowledgeClient communicationCoachableDisciplinedMarketing support experienceAgency ownership knowledgeGoal-oriented


Licensed or non-licensed agents with a sales, business, or team building background
Self-motivated, goal-oriented, coachable, and disciplined
Willing to uphold the agency's Core Values
Ability to contact clients, schedule appointments, and write applications for requested life insurance products
Ability to help clients pick out the best protection that fits their needs and budget
Willingness to participate in a comprehensive training program, accountability, and personal mentorship
Ability to create a flexible schedule
Willingness to work in a 100% commission career
Ability to engage with the agency's marketing support and generate leads
Openness to opportunities for career advancement and agency ownership


The LeBlanc Group

We are looking for INDEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS who are ready to learn the business, work hard, have fun, and build a legacy for themselves instead of working for someone else’s dream! Start a career in financial services, one of the most stable and lucrative industries in the world! Work remote from anywhere, part time or full time, set your own schedule, build your own agency, with no limits on your income.


Current Stage
Early Stage
Company data provided by crunchbase


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