Madeleine Floors · 9 hours ago
Area Sales Manager
Consumer Goods
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Conducting market research to identify, evaluate & appoint potential channel partners to generate sales.
Actively seeking out new sales opportunities through cold calling & networking to meet annual business plans.
Communicating with team members and superiors, providing progress updates, and presenting ideas and suggestions.
Appointing/dealing with Dealers and Distributors.
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Market Analysis
Customer Relationship Management
Negotiation Skills
Communication Skills
Market Research
Conducting market research to identify, evaluate & appoint potential channel partners to generate sales
Actively seeking out new sales opportunities through cold calling & networking to meet annual business plans
Good geographic know-how for field mobility
Willingness to travel and work flexible hours
Communicating with team members and superiors, providing progress updates, and presenting ideas and suggestions
Appointing/dealing with Dealers and Distributors
Candidate with good geographic know-how for field mobility & communication skills is preferable
Male candidates preferable
Madeleine Floors
Captain of Flooring is here with India’s #1 trusted 7mm thick SPC floors. We blend innovation, style, and durability.
Current Stage
Growth StageCompany data provided by crunchbase