Military Move Supervisor @ Sirva |
Military Move Supervisor jobs in Fort Wayne, IN
134 applicants

Sirva · 11 hours ago

Military Move Supervisor

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Organizes, positively motivates and inspires to produce a high performing team.
The supervisor is responsible for managing and coordinating the move counselors/coordinators daily work flow and ensuring that all military guidelines and processes have been properly handled.
Must have a working knowledge of transportation and military requirements.
The supervisor must effectively maintain and implement team standards and processes.
Manage Team Members • Establishing schedules and daily workload • Monitor team metrics (phones, shipment related tasks) • Ensure team standards are met (processes are followed, appropriate handling of issues) • Respond to questions/concerns and feedback from associates • Ensure Military system is updated per contractual rules and regulations • Communication with Military Headquarters on critical service issues/concerns • Conflict resolution: service member/agent/driver within guidelines of Military rules and regulations • Appropriately manage PTO Requests/Calendar • Lead team meetings (required minimum of once per month) to ensure open communication with associates. Review any recently implemented process changes and address any problem areas in order to assure everyone embraces and understands their role in achieving the highest quality standards in an effective & efficient manner. • Negotiate appropriate additional compensation to service providers when necessary. These are services that are not billable to the U.S. Military but are requested by agents, drivers, or members. • Act as a leader for change
Training and Development • Have a working knowledge of military requirements (DTR, TOS, 400NG Tariff) • Keep abreast of any communications from the military (SDDC announcements, SDDC web site updates etc.) • Assist in developing process improvement and updating written processes/manuals wherever applicable, both internally and externally • Solicitation of quality satisfaction survey (critical to future volume) • Able to determine future initiatives and implement change • Focused training for existing or new associates • Aid in associate’s development, including weekly training reviews and annual team reviews • Work closely with Operations, Revenue Accounting, Claims and Customer Service departments
Miscellaneous • Participate in Military conference calls/Webinars • Agent/Industry meetings, conference calls & Webinars • Ad Hoc Reports and special projects • Understanding of Agent Commissioning and 400ng estimator


Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.

Military Requirements KnowledgeTeam ManagementProcess ImprovementAd Hoc ReportingAgent Commissioning Knowledge


Organizes, positively motivates and inspires to produce a high performing team.
Responsible for managing and coordinating the move counselors/coordinators daily work flow.
Ensuring that all military guidelines and processes have been properly handled.
Must have a working knowledge of transportation and military requirements.
Effectively maintain and implement team standards and processes.
Establishing schedules and daily workload.
Monitor team metrics (phones, shipment related tasks).
Ensure team standards are met (processes are followed, appropriate handling of issues).
Respond to questions/concerns and feedback from associates.
Ensure Military system is updated per contractual rules and regulations.
Communication with Military Headquarters on critical service issues/concerns.
Conflict resolution: service member/agent/driver within guidelines of Military rules and regulations.
Appropriately manage PTO Requests/Calendar.
Lead team meetings (required minimum of once per month) to ensure open communication with associates.
Review any recently implemented process changes and address any problem areas.
Negotiate appropriate additional compensation to service providers when necessary.
Act as a leader for change.
Have a working knowledge of military requirements (DTR, TOS, 400NG Tariff).
Keep abreast of any communications from the military (SDDC announcements, SDDC web site updates etc.).
Assist in developing process improvement and updating written processes/manuals wherever applicable.
Solicitation of quality satisfaction survey (critical to future volume).
Able to determine future initiatives and implement change.
Focused training for existing or new associates.
Aid in associate’s development, including weekly training reviews and annual team reviews.
Work closely with Operations, Revenue Accounting, Claims and Customer Service departments.
Participate in Military conference calls/Webinars.
Agent/Industry meetings, conference calls & Webinars.
Ad Hoc Reports and special projects.
Understanding of Agent Commissioning and 400ng estimator.


SIRVA provides mobility & relocation services to corporate customers, individual consumers, and military and government agencies worldwide.


Current Stage
Public Company
Total Funding
2018-08-01Series Unknown

Leadership Team

Thomas Oberdorf
Andrew Coolidge
President, Americas
Company data provided by crunchbase


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