ARK Solutions, Inc. ยท 22 hours ago
Adobe SME /Developer
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Gather existing component specifications and data requirements to inform the start of PoC development activities
Setup and provision of Cloud Hosting Services Platform for Adobe in non-PROD environments
Demonstrate Adobe's Content Migration capabilities for key features
Supporting the scope of services as the lead developer and Adobe SME
Experienced Adobe developer with the skillset to support the scope of services (a POC of a customer facing public website).
Fluency in executing requirement gathering; comfort with executing demos to a client
Expected Deliverables Website Replacement Project Schedule
Website Replacement PoC Demonstrations
Website Replacement Final Analyses of the PoCs
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Gather existing component specifications and data requirements to inform the start of PoC development activities
Setup and provision of Cloud Hosting Services Platform for Adobe in non-PROD environments
Demonstrate Adobe's Content Migration capabilities for key features
Supporting the scope of services as the lead developer and Adobe SME
Experienced Adobe developer with the skillset to support the scope of services (a POC of a customer facing public website)
Fluency in executing requirement gathering; comfort with executing demos to a client
Expected Deliverables Website Replacement Project Schedule
Website Replacement PoC Demonstrations
Website Replacement Final Analyses of the PoCs
Bachelor's Degree or similar
ARK Solutions, Inc.
ARK Solutions is an IT company that offers software consultancy services.
H1B Sponsorship
ARK Solutions, Inc. has a track record of offering H1B sponsorships. Please note that this does not
guarantee sponsorship for this specific role. Below presents additional info for your
reference. (Data Powered by US Department of Labor)
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2020 (13)
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