Links Global ยท 7 hours ago
Junior Public Relations Specialist
AdvertisingBrand Marketing
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Support communication planning
Outreach to regional stakeholders
Media relations
Social media
Data collection and reporting for a government project
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Minimum Experience: 4 Years of public relations experience
Education: B.A. or B.S. degree in public relations or related field
Pass a federal background investigation (Tier 1). Note if you had a favorably adjudicated, federal background investigation within the last five years, you may be eligible to by-pass a new investigation
Organized, fast-learner
Knowledgeable of impacted-regions
Good verbal and written communication skills
Proficient in using Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), Google workspace tools, various virtual meeting software
Attention to detail and ability to follow policies and procedures
Need to have your own telework space, computer, and cell phone (a monthly stipend will be provided)
A monthly stipend will be provided
Links Global
Links Global is an advertising firm that offers branding, strategies, marketing, graphic design, communications, and project management.
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Growth StageCompany data provided by crunchbase