Free-Your-Time ยท 10 hours ago
Head of Leadership Training
Management Consulting
U.S. Citizen Only
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Participate in weekly training sessions via Zoom.
Develop and implement effective marketing strategies across various platforms.
Leverage social media to generate leads (training provided).
Conduct interviews with potential candidates using proven scripts.
Share detailed program information with qualified prospects.
Host online Q&A sessions and follow-ups with candidates.
Mentor and support new clients with comprehensive training and guidance.
Build a strong online presence through innovative marketing techniques.
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A self-starter with a proactive approach to business.
Excited about personal and leadership development.
Experienced in professional or entrepreneurial environments (minimum 5 years).
Skilled in digital marketing and proficient on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).
An excellent communicator, adept at conducting virtual and phone-based meetings (Zoom experience is a plus).
Welcome to My World of Personal Growth and Business Empowerment! Hello, I'm Becky, a passionate and results-driven Lifestyle Business Specialist with a mission to help individuals and entrepreneurs unlock their full potential for personal development and business success.
Current Stage
Early StageCompany data provided by crunchbase