Senior Bioinformatics Scientist @ Boston Children's Hospital |
Senior Bioinformatics Scientist jobs in Boston, MA
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Boston Children's Hospital ยท 8 hours ago

Senior Bioinformatics Scientist

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Health CareHospital
Actively Hiring
Hiring Manager
Jillian Webster

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Providing computational support services to Boston Children's Hospital scientists and clinicians by applying a wide range of bioinformatics tools, methods and technologies.
With minimal supervision and direction, completing highly complex assignments in the required timeframe; consistently adhering to and Promoting standard operating procedures and best practices; maintaining and upgrading a wide range of Research Computing tools, methods, and technologies, migrating data, documenting changes, and adjusting internal processes; resolving highly complex problems associated with assignments and seeking supervisor assistance when needed.
Routinely leading, co-leading, or participating in complex bioinformatics projects with other members from the BCH research community; setting goals and objectives for projects and demonstrating achievement of those goals and objectives;
Training staff and researchers; effectively tailoring presentations; developing, implementing and maintaining knowledge management systems.


Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.

BioinformaticsHigh-performance computingSingle-cell RNA-seqChIP-seqPythonRSQLGitScientific workflow toolsTraining developmentTechnical documentationProject management


Minimum of 4-year Bachelor's degree in STEM.
A minimum of one year of position-specific experience, which might potentially include experience acquired through MSc or Ph.D. studies.
Extensive knowledge of the use of bioinformatics computations in high-performance computing environments, including open-source bioinformatics software and pipelines to support diverse bioinformatics analyses such as single-cell RNA-seq, bulk RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, methylation, etc.
Extensive knowledge of technologies used in support of biomedical research, such as programming languages (R and Python), databases (SQL), version control (Git), scientific workflow tools and high-performance computing clusters.
Ability to resolve a wide range of complex Research Computing assignments in support of biomedical research.
Ability to routinely lead complex projects and coordinate project teams; readiness to seek advice and guidance when needed and to operate effectively in collaboration with scientists and clinicians.
Ability to follow, improve and create technical documentation and standard operating procedures.
Strong publication record.
Ability to effectively convey messages through written communication that are tailored to target audience; meeting discussions and one-on-one verbal communications are clear and effective; ability to conduct effective meetings, to present in departmental and hospital forums, and to develop training instructions and manuals.


Preference for candidates with a Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology or related.


Boston Children's Hospital

Boston Children's Hospital is a 404-bed comprehensive center for pediatric health care.


Current Stage
Late Stage

Leadership Team

Gilson Mendes
CEO and Founder
Paul Donovan
Senior Advisor to the CEO for Public Affairs
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