Convertros · 7 hours ago
Sales Specialist
Insider Connection @Convertros
Get 3x more responses when you reach out via email instead of LinkedIn.
Converting Inbound Leads: Engage with potential customers through inbound calls and online inquiries, converting them into appointments or enrollments.
Owning Your Success: Take control of your performance and earnings by maximizing every lead opportunity.
Continuous Improvement: Use advanced tools and ongoing training to refine your sales techniques and increase conversion rates.
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Ambitious Go-Getters: Whether you’re new to sales or have experience, we’re looking for individuals who are driven to succeed and eager to advance their careers.
Aligned with Our Core Values: If you embody Hustle, Drive, Curiosity, Transparency, Ownership, and Care, you’ll be a great fit for our team.
Learners and Growers: Sales is a craft, and we want people who are ready to take on challenges, learn from experience, and continuously improve.
Comprehensive paid training
Ongoing mentorship from experienced sales leaders
Competitive, Commission-Based Pay
Weekly Pay and Clear Expectations
A Supportive Remote Work Environment
Growth Opportunities