Raas Infotek ยท 2 hours ago
Active directory consultant
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Pre-Migration: Document all assets (desktops, servers, applications) for a full inventory and include owners of those assets.
Pre-Migration: Create a migration tracking sheet for progress updates, risk tracker, and any other additional requirements.
Migration: Assist with builds of desktops, servers, and application installs as needed.
Migration: Conduct UAT sessions with a test user group to track and record user experience and any issues. Update tracker with information and report issues or roadblocks.
Post-Migration: Document and track the decommissioning of assets.
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5 to 8 years experience
Proficiency in the installation, configuration, and maintenance of infrastructure components in both physical and virtualized server environments running both Linux and Windows operating systems
Planning and deploying migrations of applications to vendor supported operating systems (Red Hat, Microsoft)
Extensive knowledge of the Active Directory environment including migrations across domains, application integrations and configurations, as well access and authorization with users and groups
Administration and support of hosting solutions residing on premise (VMware) and cloud-based (AWS, Azure)
Experience with capacity planning, monitoring, and maintenance of Linux and Windows servers and the services they provide
Patch management: operating system, security patches, and/or handling configurational issues
Configuration management automation and deployment automation
Good hands-on technical and troubleshooting experience including provisioning, configuration, modification, and decommissioning
Raas Infotek
RAAS Infotek is a full spectrum global Information Technology services company, providing end-to-end business solutions.
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