NTD Software ยท 2 days ago
Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Specialist
Information Technology & Services
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Manage and author content using Adobe AEM CMS, ensuring alignment with brand standards and marketing objectives.
Troubleshoot and resolve issues within the Adobe AEM CMS to maintain seamless content delivery.
Utilize the Adobe Campaign platform to create, execute, and monitor marketing campaigns, ensuring effective audience targeting and email delivery.
Analyze campaign performance and provide actionable insights to optimize future marketing efforts.
Navigate through the Adobe Campaign platform to search for specific workflows, audiences, and campaign details.
Maintain and manage databases (MSSQL, Sybase), ensuring data integrity and efficient retrieval.
Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate web applications with marketing campaigns.
Stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies to continuously improve our digital marketing strategies.
Provide technical support and training to team members on using Adobe AEM CMS and Adobe Campaign platforms.
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Extensive experience with Adobe AEM CMS authoring and troubleshooting.
Proficient in using the Adobe Campaign platform, including understanding workflows, audience segmentation, and the email delivery lifecycle.
Strong database management skills, particularly with MSSQL and Sybase.
Solid understanding of web applications and related technologies.
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
Excellent communication and teamwork abilities.
NTD Software
NTD Software is a Mexican company located in Guadalajara, Jalisco, known as "the silicon valley of Mexico." We work with startups and enterprise companies to deliver high quality talent & products.
Current Stage
Early StageCompany data provided by crunchbase