Anaplan Techno functional Consultant @ Trident Consulting |
Anaplan Techno functional Consultant jobs in United States
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Trident Consulting · 5 hours ago

Anaplan Techno functional Consultant

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Design, build, and implement Anaplan demand planning models to meet business requirements.
Build custom pages with logic expected by business team. Model builder skillset is must.
Develop and optimize Anaplan models, including data integration, automation, and reporting functionalities.
Provide technical expertise on Anaplan’s platform, architecture, and best practices.
Anaplan Model workspace administration/monitoring, user administration.
Stay updated on Anaplan platform updates and new functionalities.
Demand Planning functional process knowledge, data pre-processing, outliers, realignments, aggregation-disaggregation.
Collaborate with business stakeholders to gather requirements and translate them into technical solutions.
Ensure proper documentation of processes, models, and user guides.
Conduct user training and provide ongoing support for Anaplan solutions.
Troubleshoot issues and perform system enhancements to improve performance and scalability.
Work with cross-functional teams to integrate Anaplan with other enterprise systems.
Support project planning, timelines, and execution while ensuring quality and efficiency.
Nice to have knowledge on ADF(azure data factory)


Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.

AnaplanDemand PlanningFPNAModel BuilderAnaplan L1 CertificationAnaplan L2 CertificationAnaplan L3 CertificationData IntegrationAutomationReporting FunctionalitiesAnaplan AdministrationUser AdministrationADFDocumentation


Experience in Demand Planning / FPNA (financial planning and analysis experiences) with Anaplan L1, L2, L3 certifications.
Design, build, and implement Anaplan demand planning models to meet business requirements.
Build custom pages with logic expected by business team. Model builder skillset is must.
Develop and optimize Anaplan models, including data integration, automation, and reporting functionalities.
Provide technical expertise on Anaplan’s platform, architecture, and best practices.
Anaplan Model workspace administration/monitoring, user administration.
Stay updated on Anaplan platform updates and new functionalities.
Demand Planning functional process knowledge, data pre-processing, outliers, realignments, aggregation-disaggregation.
Collaborate with business stakeholders to gather requirements and translate them into technical solutions.
Ensure proper documentation of processes, models, and user guides.
Conduct user training and provide ongoing support for Anaplan solutions.
Troubleshoot issues and perform system enhancements to improve performance and scalability.
Work with cross-functional teams to integrate Anaplan with other enterprise systems.
Support project planning, timelines, and execution while ensuring quality and efficiency.


Nice to have knowledge on ADF(azure data factory)


Trident Consulting

Trident Consulting is a 100% Women and Minority-owned staffing company, headquartered in San Ramon, CA.

H1B Sponsorship

Trident Consulting has a track record of offering H1B sponsorships. Please note that this does not guarantee sponsorship for this specific role. Below presents additional info for your reference. (Data Powered by US Department of Labor)
Distribution of Different Job Fields Receiving Sponsorship
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Trends of Total Sponsorships
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2020 (13)


Current Stage
Growth Stage

Leadership Team

Shabana Siraj
CEO and Founder
Company data provided by crunchbase


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