TalentForge Solutions ยท 4 hours ago
CAD Mechanical Engineer
Information Technology & Services
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Develop and support VLSI libraries for advanced process technologies.
Develop flows to ensure the quality of VLSI library views across different tools.
Write scripts using Python, Perl, and Tcl to automate VLSI library data creation and validation.
Work with internal customers and CAD tool vendors to evaluate new tools, seek bugs, improve usability, etc.
Develop infrastructure to support design work in new process technologies.
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B.S or M.S. in Electrical Engineering or equivalent experience.
An understanding of SIP libraries, VLSI design and place and route flows, CMOS processes, and CAD concepts and environments.
Experience with Python, Perl, Tcl, C++.
Excellent programming skills.
Web development and SQL experience
Experience in improving development flows and VLSI library quality
TalentForge Solutions
At TalentForge, we specialize in forging powerful connections between top-tier engineering talent and industry-leading companies.
Current Stage
Early StageCompany data provided by crunchbase