KVC Health Systems · 9 hours ago
Customer Experience Analyst
Child CareHealth Care
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Practice conduct that displays respect for all KVC colleagues and community stakeholders regardless of age, gender, identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity or veteran status.
Complete Care Calls (discharge/aftercare communication with guardians) for all KVC Hospital sites
Demonstrate competence with tools and databases used by KVC Hospitals to provide adequate care for clients
Collect, organize, analyze, and present data related to client care provided by KVC Hospitals as assigned
Provide presentations via video conferencing system or in person as needed
Provide on-going monitoring of client care outcomes and report insights to applicable departments and individuals
Participate in Performance Improvement initiatives
Communicate client care and outcomes data in a concise and understandable way
Manage data collected and inputted in Qualtrics
Aid in the evaluation of implementation best practice
Able to navigate challenging situations and professionally communicate with internal and external stakeholders
Work only within the authorized schedule provided by management
Establish and maintain an appropriate work environment in home
Ensure the protection of proprietary company and client information accessible from home
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Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in data science, computer science or social services, psychology, management information systems or other related field of study
A minimum of at least one year of experience in data collection, organization and evaluation
At least 21 years old
Valid Drivers License
Valid Auto Insurance
Experience in or general knowledge of child psychiatric care system and utilizing an Electronic Health Record program
Effective organizational skills
Time management
Excellent analytical and problem solving skills
Proficiency with Microsoft Office products
KVC Health Systems
KVC Health Systems is nonprofit child welfare and healthcare organization.
Current Stage
Late StageTotal Funding
$0.72MKey Investors
Kentucky Opioid Abatement Advisory CommissionKansas Department of Commerce
2023-10-02Grant· $0.4M
2023-06-20Grant· $0.32M
Recent News
Company data provided by crunchbase