Lifetrack Medical Systems · 21 hours ago
Customer Support Specialist (with PACS background)
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Providing timely customer support to drive seamless and high-advocacy customer experience
Coordinating issue resolution with other teams as needed ie. Tier 3 / Development team.
Creating videos and write up for new updated features, as assigned
Participating in the review of existing product documentation, providing appropriate feedback
Performing testing and accomplishing assigned tested cases and providing feedback to the testing team
Assisting in pre-contracting activities, as well as assisting in the execution of deployment for closed contracts
Assist in any assigned deployment activity - Set up of institution, site, origin accounts on the assigned server, to installation of radgate, user account, workflow setup, testing and training
Performing other tasks as assigned by the Supervisor.
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Experience as a Customer Support Specialist or similar CS role
Experience using help desk software and remote support tools
Excellent communication and problem-solving skills
Multi-tasking abilities
Patience when handling tough cases
Familiarity with our industry is a plus
Experience in programming is a plus
Lifetrack Medical Systems
Making Healthcare Software Human
Current Stage
Early StageTotal Funding
$5.7MKey Investors
UOB Venture
2019-04-25Series A· $5.2M
2015-10-30Seed· $0.5M
Company data provided by crunchbase