Refonte Technologies ยท 17 hours ago
Cyber Security Internship
Information Technology & Services
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Develop, Build and Deploy DevSecOps CI/CD for Static application security testing (SAST)
Develop, Build and Deploy DevSecOps CI/CD for Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
Develop, Build and Deploy DevSecOps CI/CD for Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST)
Apply Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWAST) methodologies to real world project
Build a safe and secure system and gain knowledge of the principles of vulnerability assessment and reconnaissance to protect your infrastructure and web presence.
Utilize practical exploits and assess how they affect your systems.
Evaluate the risk assessment and perform threat modeling of a web application architecture.
Create a successful vulnerability management strategy.
Learn how to use online open-source intelligence applications for passive reconnaissance.
Execute footprinting and reconnaissance, a crucial pre-attack part of the ethical hacking process using the most recent methods and technologies.
Master multiple scanning techniques using NMAP and NPING, and conduct scanning on the target network outside of IDS and firewall.
Understand the workings of web applications and web servers, their vulnerabilities, and how to prevent attacks.
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Currently pursuing any degree showcasing a strong commitment to continuous learning and professional growth.
Exceptional written and verbal communication skills, vital for effective collaboration and articulation of complex ideas.
Demonstrated ability to work both independently and as part of a cohesive team, highlighting adaptability and strong teamwork capabilities.
Refonte Technologies
At Refonte Technologies, we're a team of dedicated professionals passionate about building innovative software solutions that drive real-world results for our diverse clientele.
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