NVIDIA · 7 hours ago
Deep Learning Compiler Engineer
Artificial Intelligence (AI)GPU
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Innovate and develop new machine learning compiler and systems technologies
Design, implement, and optimize compilers for high impact AI workloads
Co-design learning system solutions with current and future ML compiler and algorithm technologies.
Collaborate closely with other engineering teams at NVIDIA to build high impact solutions for machine learning acceleration
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Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or related field (or equivalent experience)
6+ years (academic/ industry) experience with ML/DL systems development preferable for compilers
Strong experience in developing or using deep learning frameworks (e.g. PyTorch, JAX, TensorFlow, ONNX etc.)
Strong python and C/C++ programming skills
MS or PhD are preferred
Expertise in AI frameworks such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, and ONNX
Expertise in machine compilers (e.g. Apache TVM, MLIR)
Strong experience in GPU performance optimizations
Strong experience machine learning systems research and productionization
Open source project ownership or contributions
NVIDIA is a computing platform company operating at the intersection of graphics, HPC, and AI.
H1B Sponsorship
NVIDIA has a track record of offering H1B sponsorships. Please note that this does not
guarantee sponsorship for this specific role. Below presents additional info for your
reference. (Data Powered by US Department of Labor)
Distribution of Different Job Fields Receiving Sponsorship
Represents job field similar to this job
Trends of Total Sponsorships
2023 (735)
2022 (892)
2021 (696)
2020 (534)
Current Stage
Public CompanyTotal Funding
$4.09BKey Investors
ARPA-EARK Investment ManagementSoftBank Vision Fund
2023-05-09Grant· $5M
2022-08-09Post Ipo Equity· $65M
2021-02-18Post Ipo Equity
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