Everline Tech · 6 hours ago
Electrical Engineering System Efficiency Intern
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Creating model development and test plans
Creating simulation models to improve accuracy or capability of system vehicle model
Executing test plans to inform and validate simulation models
Documentation of work completed
Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.
Strong fundamental physics and engineering background
Coding/modeling experience
Problem solving mindset
Excitement to work on state-of-the-art technology
EV experience
Excellent communication skills
Matlab/Simulink experience
Currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree program at an accredited university
Proof of enrollment in current or into next program (MS)
Field(s) of study: Electrical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Civil Engineering, Material Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Packaging Engineering, Safety Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or related field
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