CareSet ยท 5 hours ago
Engineer III (Senior Software Engineer)
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Writing clean, high-quality, high-performance, maintainable code
Develop and support software including applications, database integration, interfaces, and new functionality enhancements
Coordinate cross-functionally to insure project meets business objectives and compliance standards
Support test and deployment of new products and features
Participate in code reviews
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Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (or related field)
3+ years of relevant work experience
Expertise in Object Oriented Design, Database Design, and XML Schema
Experience with Agile or Scrum software development methodologies
Ability to multi-task, organize, and prioritize work
CareSet supercharges pharma marketing initiatives as the first company commercializing 100% of Medicare A, B, C and D claims.
H1B Sponsorship
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reference. (Data Powered by US Department of Labor)
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2021 (1)
2020 (2)
Current Stage
Early StageCompany data provided by crunchbase