ARETUM ยท 5 hours ago
FOIA Analyst
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Analyze FOIA requests to determine their completeness and verify necessary information
Conduct searches for responsive records and document the findings in accordance with standard operating procedures
Collaborate with multiple departments to gather information and compile comprehensive responses
Prepare and draft written correspondence to requestors, ensuring clarity and adherence to legal guidelines
Apply appropriate exemptions and redactions to responsive documents as necessary
Maintain detailed records and track the status of each FOIA request throughout the processing cycle
Stay current on FOIA policies, procedures, and best practices to advise staff and improve processes
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Two years of prior FOIA experience
Ability to process FOIA requests from cradle-to-grave
Experience reviewing large record sets and applying redactions to responsive records in accordance with the FOIA, USDA's FOIA regulations, and any applicable case law
Drafting correspondence; Managing FOIA admin files in accordance with office SOP
Proficiency with USDA's commonly used confidentiality statutes
Preparing FOIA appeal packages for legal sufficiency review
Admission to a state bar
ARETUM is a government contracting company specializing in technology-enabled mission support services for the Department of Defense.
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