Simmons Insurance Solutions ยท 4 hours ago
Licensed Insurance Agent
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Contact potential clients and recommend insurance plans that meet their needs
Work with over 40 top-rated insurance companies to find the best fit for client
Attend and participate in daily, weekly and monthly team training, huddles and check-ins via online meetings
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Must be authorized to work in the U.S. and be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident
Background check required
Able to adapt to using tech tools to interface with clients
Optimistic mindset and willing to be curious and coachable
Self-motivated, self-disciplined and energetic
Able to empathize and build rapport with clients
Health and life insurance benefits available
Performance and activity-based commissions with no earnings cap
Cash bonuses
Profit-sharing incentives
Opportunity to win Five-star trips
Simmons Insurance Solutions
I help people retire with dignity. I help people avoid the two biggest mistakes people make in retirement.
Current Stage
Early StageCompany data provided by crunchbase