Mulesoft API Developer @ Lenora Systems Inc |
Mulesoft API Developer jobs in Spring, TX
45 applicants
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Lenora Systems Inc ยท 3 hours ago

Mulesoft API Developer

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Information and Communications Technology (ICT)Information Services
Growth Opportunities
H1B Sponsor Likelynote
Hiring Manager
Vamshi Tirumani

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Good knowledge of APIM Gateway (Mulesoft Flex gateway and Anypoint platform) with 1-2 years of hands-on experience
Good experience in technical support or similar role, with a focus on Gateway features, like: security, rate limit, routing, certificates, TLS and MTLS, with hands on with any API gateway.
Good experience in API Management and REST APIs with deep understanding of API Specification standards, like RAML and OAS.
Proven experience developing and testing enterprise integration APIs using Mulesoft API Manager.
Understanding and hands on with Salesforce Experience Hub API Catalog Portal.
Linux, scripting, and networking knowledge (about 2 yrs exp)
Understands Redis servers, Linux servers, new relic dashboard, postman, ServiceNow or other incident management tool.
Very good communications skills to work across multiple teams and business.
Has good knowledge on GitHub. GitHub actions would be appreciated.
Analytical, problem-solving skills and attention to details attitude.
Ability to work independently and as part of a team.


Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.

Mulesoft Flex GatewayAnypoint platformAPI ManagementREST APIsAPI Specification standardsSalesforce Experience HubLinuxGitHubRAMLOASScriptingRedis serversNew Relic dashboardPostmanServiceNowGitHub Actions


Overall, 5 years in IT industry
Good knowledge of APIM Gateway (Mulesoft Flex gateway and Anypoint platform) with 1-2 years of hands-on experience
Good experience in technical support or similar role, with a focus on Gateway features, like: security, rate limit, routing, certificates, TLS and MTLS, with hands on with any API gateway.
Good experience in API Management and REST APIs with deep understanding of API Specification standards, like RAML and OAS.
Proven experience developing and testing enterprise integration APIs using Mulesoft API Manager.
Understanding and hands on with Salesforce Experience Hub API Catalog Portal.
Linux, scripting, and networking knowledge (about 2 yrs exp)
Understands Redis servers, Linux servers, new relic dashboard, postman, ServiceNow or other incident management tool.
Very good communications skills to work across multiple teams and business.
Has good knowledge on GitHub.
Analytical, problem-solving skills and attention to details attitude.
Ability to work independently and as part of a team.


GitHub actions would be appreciated.


Lenora Systems Inc

Lenora Systems brand represents a dedication to providing high-quality IT professionals who can get job done.

H1B Sponsorship

Lenora Systems Inc has a track record of offering H1B sponsorships. Please note that this does not guarantee sponsorship for this specific role. Below presents additional info for your reference. (Data Powered by US Department of Labor)
Distribution of Different Job Fields Receiving Sponsorship
Represents job field similar to this job
Trends of Total Sponsorships
2023 (25)
2022 (33)
2021 (24)
2020 (34)


Current Stage
Late Stage
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