Networking Technical Services Systems Integration Specialist @ NTT |
Networking Technical Services Systems Integration Specialist jobs in Texas, United States
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NTT ยท 6 hours ago

Networking Technical Services Systems Integration Specialist

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Data CenterInformation and Communications Technology (ICT)

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Conducting LAN surveys to assess network infrastructure and identify areas for improvement.
Performing wireless site surveys, including passive and APOS (Access Point on a Stick) surveys, to ensure optimal wireless coverage and performance.
Executing rack and stack activities, including the physical installation of network equipment in data centers or server rooms.
Configuring and troubleshooting network devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls.
Providing on-site support for network deployment and maintenance, ensuring minimal downtime and optimal performance.
Documenting network configurations, changes, and troubleshooting steps for future reference.
Interacts with clients on site and remote to meet complex requirements of a solution.
Escalates unresolved problems and issues to the relevant third parties.
Responds to escalated client requests.
Escalates complex problems to the relevant third parties.
Writes reports and proposals and completes and maintains project documentation.
Assists with the documentation of standard operating procedures relating to installations and fixes.
Acts as coach and mentor to more junior Implementation Engineers and Technicians.
Assumes responsibility for the coordination of the activities of the junior Engineers, in line with performance targets.
Included in higher complexity design work, with input to the design expected.
Expected to take ownership of relevant technologies according to domain or specialization.
Performs any other related task as required.


Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.

LAN surveysWLAN surveysNetwork devices configurationEkahauHamina toolsCisco certificationJuniper certificationAruba certificationF5 certificationCCNP certificationJNCIS certificationACMP certificationProject managementClient engagementReport writingCoachingMentoring


2-5 years' experience conducting LAN surveys and documenting network structure
2-5 years' experience conducting WLAN surveys (passive and APOS) using Ekahau or Hamina tools. Ekahau preferred.
2-5 years' experience configuring and troubleshooting devices like routers, switches, wireless LAN controllers, and Access Points
Ability to travel and work on-site 50+%
Ability to lift servers and network equipment for installation in racks
Seasoned work experience in technical implementation engineering, specific to Networking technologies.
Seasoned experience engaging with clients and conducting presentations.
Seasoned report writing experience.
Seasoned project management
Seasoned experience in Networking technologies such as routing, switching, Wireless, SDI distribution, core and access layers
Seasoned experience in diagnosis and troubleshooting
Must live within 30 miles of a major hub/international airport.


Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Information Technology or Computing or a related field preferred
Associate and/or Professional level certification in different Networking technologies such as Cisco, Juniper, Aruba, F5, CCNP, JNCIS, ACMP etc.
Cisco Dev Net certification


NTT contributes to a sustainable society through the power of innovation.


Current Stage
Public Company
Total Funding

Leadership Team

Hiroo Unoura
President & CEO
Jun Sawada
President and CEO
Company data provided by crunchbase


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