Eqvilent ยท 3 hours ago
Operations Manager
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Oversee company operations to ensure processes run smoothly and efficiently.
Supervise and manage all aspects of company purchasing and merch logistics.
Managing company license subscriptions, as well as researching and acquiring new licenses for all departments based on the requirements.
Permanent Analytics on user activity for subscriptions
Policy improvement for license subscriptions
Facilitate communication and collaboration among the operation team.
Continually improve company policies for optimal performance.
Develop comprehensive documentation for internal processes and procedures.
Work closely with end-users to address their requirements and concerns effectively.
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Proven extensive experience in the role of Operations Manager.
Strong communication and organizational skills.
Ability to implement and enforce best practices.
Ability to quickly think through unanticipated issues and troubleshoot them is crucial.
High problem-solving skills.
Be flexible and open to change.
Proficiency in documenting processes and procedures comprehensively.
Experience working remotely.
Proficiency in using Task management tools.
Experienced in global purchasing and logistics.
MS Office skills.
Project Management skills.
40 paid days off
Competitive salary
Eqvilent is an international quantitative trading company that provides liquidity on financial markets worldwide
Current Stage
Growth StageCompany data provided by crunchbase