Qualitest · 4 hours ago
Project Manager
ConsultingEnterprise Software
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Hands on project management experience in Financial, Banking or Credit Union projects
Tracking reporting delivery schedule and resource capacity, raising escalation to client as needed
Agile methodology
Experience with Credit Union merger/acquisition tech implementations
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5+ years of experience
Hands on project management experience in Financial, Banking or Credit Union projects
Tracking reporting delivery schedule and resource capacity, raising escalation to client as needed
Agile methodology
Experience with Credit Union merger/acquisition tech implementations
401k plan where Qualitest will match your contributions
Enrollment into one of our competitive healthcare benefits
Qualitest will match towards your HSA if you choose to participate
Corporate Wellness Program
Gym membership
Client Referral and Employee Referral Program’s
Qudos platform
Qualitest Employee Perks for discounts on anything from travel to electronics