Global Fishing Watch · 6 hours ago
Request for Proposal (RFP) - UN/FLUX Implementation and analysis Consultant
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A report providing an overview of the UN/FLUX standard and its applications to fisheries data exchange.
The report should include at least: A brief overview of the origin, function, and objectives of UN/FLUX.
The countries and regional fisheries management organisations using UN/FLUX with detail on the type of data UN/FLUX is used for.
The report should include a detailed case study from a country that has implemented UN/FLUX and a detailed description and analysis of the use of UN/FLUX in one RFMO.
These case studies should consider lessons learnt, best practices, timeframes for implementation, costs and resources involved and any reported benefits (including improvements in fisheries data management, data sharing and interoperability, and transparency.
Any changes in the type, frequency, or volume of the data exchanged with the FAO Global Record, RFMOs, or other States should be considered).
An assessment of the challenges and opportunities of uptake of UN/FLUX (with particular reference to Brazil, Chile, Madagascar, Panama, and Senegal) and the costs involved.
A set of conclusions and recommendations for the use of UN/FLUX to exchange information on fishing vessel tracking and ownership information.
This deliverable should make reference to any particular conclusions and recommendations for the countries of significant interest (Brazil, Chile, Madagascar, Panama, and Senegal).
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Knowledge of the UN/FLUX Standard and data exchange.
Experience in ocean governance and/or fisheries management regulations.
Experience in fisheries management, in particular fisheries data management.
Experience working with government and RFMO stakeholders.
Global Fishing Watch
Global Fishing Watch is the product of a technology partnership between SkyTruth, Oceana.
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