Commonwealth of Pennsylvania · 8 hours ago
Safety Inspection Supervisor
Non Profit
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Ensuring that all medical marijuana organizations are compliant with applicable policies and regulations.
Overseeing field inspectors, evaluating their performance, and providing training as needed.
Participating in inspections of new construction and initial openings to ensure compliance.
Working closely with architects, engineers, and other entities involved in the construction and operation of medical marijuana facilities to provide technical guidance and ensure compliance.
Coordinating and collaborating with law enforcement, legal teams, state agencies, federal entities, and other agents for the purposes of auditing, inspection, investigation, incident response, or legal action.
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One year of experience as a Safety Inspector; or
Two years of experience inspecting commercial, industrial, healthcare or other buildings, structures, machines, apparatus, devices or equipment for compliance with applicable safety codes and regulations; or
An equivalent combination of experience and training.
You must possess a valid Pennsylvania driver’s license.
You must meet the PA residency requirement.
You must be able to perform essential job functions.
Hiring preference for this vacancy may be given to candidates who live within Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Cambria, Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Fayette, Forest, Greene, Indiana, Jefferson, Lawrence, McKean, Mercer, Somerset, Venango, Warren, Washington, or Westmoreland counties.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania employs thousands of people across the state to deliver programs and services to the people of Pennsylvania.
Current Stage
Late StageTotal Funding
$0.5MKey Investors
Appalachian Regional Commission
2022-03-17Grant· $0.5M
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