AM Solutions and Consulting ยท 3 hours ago
Salesforce Developer
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Designing and developing custom applications, features, and integrations within the Salesforce platform.
Providing ongoing support and maintenance for Salesforce applications, including troubleshooting, and resolving issues.
Collaborating with business analysts and project managers to gather and analyze requirements.
Creating and maintaining technical documentation, including design specifications, test plans, and user guides.
Ensuring the quality and performance of Salesforce solutions through rigorous testing and debugging.
Providing ongoing support and maintenance for Salesforce applications, including troubleshooting, and resolving issues.
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Designing and developing custom applications, features, and integrations within the Salesforce platform.
Providing ongoing support and maintenance for Salesforce applications, including troubleshooting, and resolving issues.
Collaborating with business analysts and project managers to gather and analyze requirements.
Creating and maintaining technical documentation, including design specifications, test plans, and user guides.
Ensuring the quality and performance of Salesforce solutions through rigorous testing and debugging.
5 years of experience developing applications with Salesforce and Salesforce features development.
5 years of experience developing applications with Java/.NET/C#, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript.
5 years of experience developing applications with SQL/T-SQL, MS SQL Server.
3 years of experience developing applications with Azure/Cloud Experience.
AM Solutions and Consulting
AM Solutions and Consulting LLC., is an Information Technology services Company that engages and specializes in providing Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Intelligence and Analytics, Web application development services to its clients.
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