Ket Software ยท 7 hours ago
SAP PIPO Consultant
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Experience in SAP PI/PO development and administration.
Strong knowledge of SAP PI/PO architecture, design, and integration patterns.
Proficiency in ESR, ID configurations, and various mapping techniques (graphical, Java, XSLT).
Hands-on experience with different communication protocols and adapters.
Familiarity with SAP CPI (Cloud Platform Integration) and APIs is a plus.
Knowledge of ABAP and Java for integration-related customizations is desirable.
Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
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12+ years Experience
Experience in SAP PI/PO development and administration.
Strong knowledge of SAP PI/PO architecture, design, and integration patterns.
Proficiency in ESR, ID configurations, and various mapping techniques (graphical, Java, XSLT).
Hands-on experience with different communication protocols and adapters.
Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
Familiarity with SAP CPI (Cloud Platform Integration) and APIs is a plus.
Knowledge of ABAP and Java for integration-related customizations is desirable.
Ket Software
Ket Software is an IT and software solutions company.
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