Environmental Resources Compliance, LLC ยท 4 hours ago
Senior Archaeologist
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Field work
Archaeology evaluation
NEPA compliance
Anthropology on-site
Managing cultural and tribal resources
Ensuring compliance with regulatory permitting requirements
Providing expertise in environmental planning and project implementation
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Excavation and Field Work skills
Able to evaluate historic properties
Expertise in Archaeology and Anthropology
Experience with NEPA compliance
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
Excellent written and verbal communication abilities
Attention to detail and ability to work autonomously
Knowledge of environmental regulations and permitting processes
Master's degree in Archaeology, Anthropology, or related field
Environmental Resources Compliance, LLC
Located in Sacramento, California, Environmental Resources Compliance (ERC) assists planning, environmental and construction industry clients with ethical, respectful and transparent government consultation and project implementation while managing compliance and regulatory permitting requirements for cultural and biological resources.
Current Stage
Early StageCompany data provided by crunchbase