Jobot Consulting ยท 4 hours ago
Senior Python/AI Data Engineer
Management Consulting
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Handling and reshaping JSON
Consuming APIs
Working with AI team
Understanding AI and prompt engineering
Working with LLMs like OpenAI and Llama
Understanding python classes
Using libraries like pydantic
Creating idiomatic python
Creating unit tests
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Strong python background
Handling and reshaping JSON
Consuming APIs
Understanding of AI and prompt engineering
Experience working with LLMs like OpenAI and Llama
Understanding of python classes
Familiarity with libraries like pydantic
Ability to create idiomatic python
Overall strong software engineering skills
Debugging skills
Creating unit tests
Full Benefits (Medical, Dental, Vision) (You Pay Almost Nothing For Benefits)
Jobot Consulting
Jobot Consulting is founded on Kindness, Respect, Connection + Innovation. Jobot Consultants specialize in building good things.
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