Senior Sales Manager - Services @ Waukesha Gas Engines |
Senior Sales Manager - Services jobs in United States
40 applicants

Waukesha Gas Engines · 4 hours ago

Senior Sales Manager - Services

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Act as Waukesha Key Account ‘Quarterback’ by developing and growing the business through strategic relationships with key accounts.
Plan, prioritize and execute sales strategy/initiatives through short- and longer-term account strategies (AMAP); drive and maximize share of wallet and revenue growth; market expansion; hit your targets, develop new business, support A/R.
Partner w/Sales Ops, Regional Service Managers (RSMs), Product Line Management (PLM), Business Development, & other key stakeholders to identify prospects, develop account plans & deliver compelling value-based offerings; embrace sales process.
Partner with PLM & Sales Ops to establish profitable pricing arrangements.
Develop/maintain positive customer and prospect relationships with assigned key accounts; promote customer intimacy.
Leverage products, programs and service solutions to best support the needs of partners.
Provide product knowledge/support; expand product visibility and awareness with customers and channel partners; host/support customer events and communication activities.
Demonstrate ownership/command of your role/markets; partner with Sales Ops to deliver timely and accurate sales forecasts and market reports; present information in a clear, crisp, concise and compelling fashion.
Monitor and report market intelligence; leverage information and data to drive strategy and business development.
Actively participate in Sales Pacing process – own your markets (channel partners, packagers, key accounts, potential targets, etc.).
Partner with Sales Leadership, Sales Ops & Finance to report/plan commitments and develop an accurate forecast
Leverage and systems to track and report data.
Participate in development of new products and services; VOC.
Collaborate with other INNIO personnel to effectively manage activities in common markets.
Connect at the executive level with strong technical knowledge and credibility.
Act as the frontline representative for IWGE; liaison between the business and end customers/channel partners.
Support projects and key initiatives (ex. R/EDRM).
Mentor Regional Sales Managers and Sales employees.


Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.

Industry-specific experienceTechnical backgroundValue sellingInternational sales experienceSales expertiseRelationship management


Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering, Business or other related field
Industry-specific experience/technical background
Demonstrated experience pitching/value selling complex and highly technical solutions
Highly motivated; entrepreneurial; driven; mission-driven with a bias for action and results orientation
Self-motivated; works well with minimal supervision
Strong commercial and relationship management skills; customer focus
Strong communication skills; persuasive; ability to influence; relationship building and management skills
Strong business acumen; analytical; understanding sales & how the business makes money
Persuasive; ability to influence decisions; ability to articulate value proposition in a clear, crisp, concise & compelling fashion
Demonstrated sales expertise; strong process orientation and problem solving skills; ability to identify and qualify prospects in new and emerging markets; ability to evaluate wins and losses; drive continuous improvement
Strong technical aptitude and proven ability to sell a technical solution
Ability to manage multiple opportunities and/or tasks simultaneously; organized


Existing industry relationships preferred (reciprocating/rotating equipment in the midstream oil and gas compression industry; experience managing end-user customer accounts)
International sales/service experience (desired depending on key accounts owned)
Specific experience with Waukesha products and channel partners is preferred


Waukesha Gas Engines

Waukesha Gas Engines are built to work tougher, longer, and smarter for the oil and gas industry’s most challenging and remote environments.


Current Stage
Late Stage
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