Senior System Engineer (Cincinnati, OH Area) @ FETCO® |
Senior System Engineer (Cincinnati, OH Area) jobs in Cincinnati, OH
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FETCO® · 6 hours ago

Senior System Engineer (Cincinnati, OH Area)

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Food and BeverageManufacturing

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Support and promote the mission, values and principles of Powernet.
This role serves as a senior level of escalation for issues from the Server/Desktop NOC and Systems Engineers
Assist voice and/or network engineering staff with projects as needed.
Provide coaching, mentoring, and training to System Engineers, as well as NOC Technicians
Provide on-site and remote assistance in resolving technical support issues.
Document issues as well as provide feedback, monitor, and prevent the issue from happening again
Act as a technical lead, communicating with other departments and IT staff to aid in maintaining corporate IT standards
Responsible for the management of projects, from planning and pre-sales, to implementation and upgrades
Review incident tickets and respond to end-users appropriately; resolve open tickets in a timely and professional manner, ensuring a positive client experience.
Image PC's and setup servers, workstations, laptops, printers, scanners, copiers, and other network equipment.
Create and manage systems in support of disaster recovery policies on corporate IT systems.
Assess available hardware/software in anticipation of current and future needs throughout all departments and customers.
Stay current on applicable technologies and bring that knowledge to team members.
Design, deploy, and manage virtualized infrastructure using VMware and Hyper-V technologies.
Lead new project implementations.
Develop and maintain documentation related to system configurations, processes, and procedures.
Management of the following platforms:
Cloud Technologies
Windows Server and AD functions
Virtualization (Vmware, Hyper-V)
Scoping of hardware and software
Documentation and presentation skills
Basic Networking
Other duties and responsibilities as assigned


Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.

Microsoft Windows ServersWindows Domain ExperienceCloud EnvironmentsOn-Premise VirtualizationVMwareHyper-VIT Managed ServicesGroup PolicyPowershellDNSDHCPEmail Server AdministrationNetworking ConceptsSAN/Storage TechnologiesIndustry CertificationsVDI EnvironmentsG SuiteExchange/Office 365AzureAWSGCPNutanixXenserverTCP/IPVLANsVPNsPureSynologyNetappVCP


7+years of experience in troubleshooting, supporting, designing, and building Microsoft Windows domain environments.
Strong windows domain experience (Server 2016+) such as group policy, user administration and Powershell, DNS, DHCP, etc
Email server administration (G suite, Exchange/Office 365)
Proficiency in cloud environments (Azure, AWS, GCP)
Senior level knowledge of on premise virtualization solutions such as the following: Vmware, Hyper-V, Nutanix, Xenserver
Proficiency in networking concepts and technologies, including TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, VLANs, and VPNs
Experience with SAN/Storage Technologies Pure, Nimble, Synology, Netapp
Industry certifications such as VMware Certified Professional (VCP), Cloud Architect Certifications, MCSE or equivalent
Proven ability to design, implement, and troubleshoot complex IT systems and infrastructure
Experience in VDI environments managing, maintaining, and installation
Excellent communication skills, with the ability to articulate technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with a detail-oriented approach
Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment
Knowledge of PSA ticketing systems such as Connectwise
Knowledge of RMM software such as Connectwise
Must possess a valid driver license


7+ years experience with IT Managed Services



FETCO® is a leading manufacturer of hot beverage brewing, dispensing and serving equipment for the foodservice industry.


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Christopher Nowak
Co-Founder, President, CEO

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