Sr. EPIC Cogito Developer | EPIC Cogito Developer | Cogito Developer @ LanceSoft, Inc. |
Sr. EPIC Cogito Developer | EPIC Cogito Developer | Cogito Developer jobs in United States
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LanceSoft, Inc. · 11 hours ago

Sr. EPIC Cogito Developer | EPIC Cogito Developer | Cogito Developer

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Hiring Manager
Mayur (Max) Pattanaik

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Guides clinical teams and business stakeholders on large scope projects: gathering requirements, developing metrics, retrieving data, ensuring validity of results, and building out the appropriate Epic tool for the end-user.
Proposes and creates innovative and appropriate data solutions (dashboards, reports, etc) for the measurement of processes and outcomes
Adept at learning new information systems and how the data generated contributes to the data development lifecycle
Advises on new SlicerDicer data models, testing frameworks, and documentation and build practices
Works with Cogito Product Team to periodically upgrade the Epic system
Demonstrates excellent data storytelling skills through outstanding presentation and communication to share findings in an understandable and actionable manner tailored to audience and customer's needs
Responsible for the coordination and completion of assigned projects, including project definition, assignment of task responsibilities, setting deadlines, and all other aspects of project management.
Independently identifies and works to remediate project obstacles
Identifies, defines, and implements new data-driven strategies and processes for the organization.
Communicates work plans, progress, findings, and interpretations effectively with a continual focus on educating and developing analytic capability of business customers and the organization overall.
Trains and mentors team members
Develops a 'trusted advisor' reputation through expertise in data and the mentoring of others in the use of the Epic Cogito suite of tools


Find out how your skills align with this job's requirements. If anything seems off, you can easily click on the tags to select or unselect skills to reflect your actual expertise.

Epic Cogito FundamentalsEpic Cogito Tools AdministrationSlicerDicerCogitoSQL TemplatesRadar SQL MetricsSQLData visualization toolsClinical Data ModelRevenue Data ModelAccess Data ModelData storytellingRelational database structuresHealthcare analyticsBusiness intelligenceProject management


Epic Cogito Fundamentals
Epic Cogito Tools Administration
Bachelor's degree in health science, Computer Science, Math, Engineering, Business, or related quantitative fields.
Five (5) years of experience in analytics/business intelligence within a healthcare system using the Epic Systems electronic health record.


Master’s degree
Eight (8) years of experience in analytics/business intelligence
Experience with data visualization tools preferred (Qlik, Tableau, Power BI, etc)
Experience with Epic’s Cogito product suite including SlicerDicer, Custom SQL Metrics, Crystal Reports, Radar, Reporting Workbench, CogitoSQL Templates
Experience working as a data analyst within a healthcare setting
Experience with clinical, access, and/or revenue Epic applications
Certification in at least one of the following Data Models: Clinical Data Model, Revenue Data Model, Access Data Model
Certification in at least one of the following other Cogito tools: SlicerDicer, CogitoSQL Templates, Radar SQL Metrics, Implementing Cognitive Computing
Experience with SQL
Knowledge of relational database structures
Experience in project management


LanceSoft, Inc.

Established in 2000, LanceSoft is a pioneer in delivering top-notch Global Workforce Solutions and IT Services to a diverse clientele.

H1B Sponsorship

LanceSoft, Inc. has a track record of offering H1B sponsorships. Please note that this does not guarantee sponsorship for this specific role. Below presents additional info for your reference. (Data Powered by US Department of Labor)
Distribution of Different Job Fields Receiving Sponsorship
Represents job field similar to this job
Trends of Total Sponsorships
2023 (20)
2022 (22)
2021 (46)
2020 (69)


Current Stage
Late Stage

Leadership Team

Ram Karuppusamy
Chairman & CEO
Simon Dealy
Chief Financial Officer
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