University Advisors ยท 1 day ago
University Advisor
Management Consulting
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Serve as a change agent within your organization by promoting executive education and development.
Collaborate with university partners to shape and refine curriculum and content.
Share industry insights and trends to ensure programs meet current market demands.
Participate in quarterly meetings, panel discussions, and workshops.
Advocate for professional development by committing to send at least one employee from your company through the program.
Mentor students and professionals enrolled in the programs, contributing to their personal and professional growth.
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10+ years of professional experience in your field.
A strong track record of leadership and a passion for professional development.
Your company must value continuous learning and agree to send a minimum of one employee through the programs.
Eagerness to participate as an active and committed member of a high-impact advisory board.
Experience serving on advisory boards or mentorship roles
University Advisors
Welcome to University Advisors - connecting the dots between working professionals and academic institutions, University Advisors is the go-to platform that unites the practical experience of industry with the brilliance of academia.
Current Stage
Early StageCompany data provided by crunchbase