Erika4Travel ยท 5 hours ago
Virtual Lead Manager
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Develop engaging and interactive training materials, including e-learning modules, presentations, videos, and documentation to facilitate the onboarding process
Host live virtual onboarding sessions using video conferencing and online collaboration tools, offering opportunities for interaction and Q&A
Provide ongoing support and resources to new agents, answering questions and addressing any concerns
Plan and sell transportation, accommodations, insurance and other travel services
Cooperate with clients to determine their needs and advise them appropriate destination, modes of transportations, travel dates, costs and accommodations
Ability to interact, communicate and negotiate effectively
Address customer inquiries in a positive, friendly manner
Collaborate with other departments to develop workable business solutions to customer satisfaction issues
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Excellent interpersonal communication skills
Strong communication and presentation skills
A high school diploma or GED equivalently
Ability to develop engaging and interactive training materials
Excellent organizational and project management skills
Previous experience in customer service or hospitality also a plus, but not required
Flexible schedule
Agents Discounts
On-the-job training
Company Perks
Work from home opportunity
Bonus & daily pay
Generous commissions and incredible business opportunity!
Whether you're looking for a cruise, plane tickets, accommodations, or the whole package, we have you covered! Simply tell one of our specialists where you want to go and we'll help you figure out the rest.
Current Stage
Early StageCompany data provided by crunchbase