Interview Behavioral: How To Regale Stories Of Past Experiences

Understanding Behavioral Interview Behavioral interviewing focuses on understanding a candidate’s experiences and background through storytelling, as past behaviors are considered reliable indicators of future behaviors. It is essential to explain the reasoning behind behavioral interviews, as they reveal how candidates have dealt with various situations and challenges. Behavioral interviews help make the evaluation process more objective. Instead of asking yes/no questions like ‘Do you have experience working with data sets?’—where the answer is just ‘Yes’—we ask for the story behind it. By asking for specific stories instead of yes/no questions, behavioral interviews make the evaluation process more objective, providing deeper…

Shining Star in the Black Hole: How to Navigate Through This Job Market

What Are the Different Types of Job Markets? Balanced Job Market: Before COVID, the job market was relatively balanced, with job openings and job seekers being fairly matched. During this period, job seekers could easily improve their skills through training and courses, gaining more opportunities. You would see steady company growth, and promotions or job changes were relatively easy. This is what is referred to as a balanced job market. Dynamic Job Market: The dynamic job market occurred after the COVID pandemic, when the market reopened, known as “The Great Resignation.” During the pandemic, many people held onto their jobs…