6 Ways To Hack The Hiring Funnel, So That You Get A Call Back

Job seekers aren’t getting called back — that’s a BIG problem.

So what can we do about that? Let’s start by looking at the hiring funnel.

a) Referral 
b) Apply
c) Screening call
d) Hiring manager call
e) Team call
f) Offer

You’re stuck at step B. Applying is getting you nowhere. Your next steps are limited, but there are pre-applying steps you can take to improve your chances of getting a call back. Let’s review these tips:

Get the Right Referral

I’ve reiterated this point in every post I’ve made so far. You need to get a referral to get a callback, full stop. But have you considered that the person you get the referral from carries a lot of weight? Get your referral from someone in a similar role or within the team you would be working with. Even better, get it from your future bosses boss. We’ll discuss this more in tomorrow’s post.

Custom-Tailor Your Resume to the Role

Don’t apply with the same resume to each job. In today’s competitive market, you need to stand out. If the average role is getting 100 applicants, assume 30% are coming in via referral; out of those 30, 10 will receive a call — ensure you’re one of 10.

Move Into Competing Companies

Lateral moves are going to be easier than career transitions. Look at moving into the same role. Even better, this is your sweet spot if you create a short list of companies in the same stage, relative company size, employee headcount, and market. An easy in would be a competing product to your previous employer. If you’re moving into the same role, you’ll have much more luck with your years of experience than if you were changing positions, even if they’re tangentially relevant.

Find an Internal Champion

At Jobright, we have an “Insider connections” feature where you’re shown valuable connections within the company who might provide insights and potential referrals, giving your job application an inside edge. Find these people and connect with them, even if your first step is getting a warm introduction to your internal champion to land the referral eventually. Your internal advocate can speak to your skill set and guarantee you stand out in a crowded market.

Find an External Champion

When you can’t find an internal champion, look outside the company for people who can help you get your foot in the door. I look at the company’s investors (via Crunchbase), former employees, customers, and contractors. LinkedIn, Crunchbase, Twitter, and the company’s press page contain a wealth of insights where you can identify the right people to reach.

Show Your Work

Take this time to build your portfolio and get creative with it: A TikTok account, Twitter tweetstorm stories, and even guest speaking on podcasts will go a long way.

Try Jobright to find new and relevant job postings, get help with your job application, and source referral opportunities.